Community Solar

Community solar allows residents, businesses, and organizations to access solar energy without installing solar panels on their rooftop or property. Customers can rent or own their house, apartment, or condo to be eligible.  Community solar is free to join with guaranteed savings and enrollees can cancel anytime with no penalty. But don’t take it from us, take it from the 20k+ neighbors that have joined. That’s over thousands of people enjoying savings from Solar Farms NY Community Solar.

Solar farm with large solar panels. Labels indicate that the energy output is divided among subscribers: a hospital, school, restaurant, neighbor, and "You". Subscribers receive solar credits on their utility bills, reducing them by 5%. The utility company remains the electricity provider, and subscribers save money on their bills each month, Image

How community solar works

Large solar panels feed electricity into the grid.

When you subscribe you receive a portion of the solar energy output and solar credits directly on your utility bill; these credits represent the portion of your utility bill that will be reduced by 5%.

Your utility company will remain your electricity provider, and you simply save money every month on your utility bill.

Support New York’s
renewable energy goals

New York has made significant progress in deploying community solar.

Recently surpassing 2 gigawatts of installed community solar capacity - enough to power 393,000 houses, condos, and apartments, and commercial businesses.

This milestone contributes to the state’s goal of 10 gigawatts of distributed solar by 2030 under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) Community solar currently makes up 61% of New York’s total solar installations in 2023.

By enabling broader access to solar power, community solar expands the state’s renewable energy adoption and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation. It is a key part of New York’s strategy to achieve the CLCPA target of 70% renewable electricity by 2030 and a zero-emission grid by 2040.

Joining community solar directly supports these ambitious clean energy goals.

Support New York’s renewable energy goals

New York has made significant progress in deploying community solar

Recently surpassing 2 gigawatts of installed community solar capacity - enough to power 393,000 houses, condos, and apartments, and commercial businesses.

This milestone contributes to the state’s goal of 10 gigawatts of distributed solar by 2030 under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) Community solar currently makes up 61% of New York’s total solar installations in 2023.

By enabling broader access to solar power, community solar expands the state’s renewable energy adoption and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation. It is a key part of New York’s strategy to achieve the CLCPA target of 70% renewable electricity by 2030 and a zero-emission grid by 2040.

Joining community solar directly supports these ambitious clean energy goals.

Impactful Action

Community solar extends beyond your monthly bill.

Lowers pollution in the air, on land, and in our water sources

As more solar farms replace highly polluting traditional power plants, our environment will benefit and thrive.

Reduces our dependency on fossil fuels

Solar farms pump clean energy into the overall electricity grid, helping lessen our dependence over time on fossil fuel power.

Combats climate change by lowering CO2 emissions

Community solar farms provide electricity for thousands of homes and businesses while emitting zero CO2 into the atmosphere.

Creates local jobs

Solar farms promote job creation in New York State, benefiting your local community.

Lowers pollution in the air, on land, and in our water sources

As more solar farms replace highly polluting traditional power plants, our environment will benefit and thrive.

Reduces our dependency on fossil fuels

Solar farms pump clean energy into the overall electricity grid, helping lessen our dependence over time on fossil fuel power.

Combats climate change by lowering CO2 emissions

Community solar farms provide electricity for thousands of homes and businesses while emitting zero CO2 into the atmosphere.

Creates local jobs

Solar farms promote job creation in New York State, benefiting your local community.

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